Create and Setup Test Organization (Environment) in
This paper is meant as a guide to create a test environment or organization to model a
customer environment or setup. It can also be used as a guide when you are creating a
new organization in a multiorg environment when Recievables has already been set up.
What setup steps should be completed when creating a new organization? To answer this
question you need to understand that Oracle Applications is created to be flexible for
companies that need to create several organizations. In 10.7, the introduction of an
application that is multiorg compatible introduced a new partitioned table structure using a
column called org_id. This new table structure is identified by the table name, i.e., name
ends with a “_ALL”. Tables with the _ALL ending will separate information between the
organizations. The intent of this paper is to go through all the setup steps necessary to
create a fully functioning new organization.
Why would you want to create your own test environment in AR?
· You might have a customer with a flexfield structure that is very different from what is
used internally, and for the test case you will have to set up the customer’s flexfield
structure to complete the test.
· You might have a customer that has a calendar that is different and you need to
replicate this to complete a test case.
· You might have a customer that is not using the same location flexfield structure and
you have to replicate the customers environment.
· You have an issue where the system option setup is different and you need to
· You might just want to have your own organization and responsibility to test in.
· Or you just feel like creating your own test environment for fun!
You can set up your own test environment in AR, by creating and setting up your own
organization (org). You will not have to go through all 52 AR setup steps outlined in the
User’s Guide, but there are some steps that will have to be completed. If AR has already
been setup and there are other working organizations follow the steps below to create
your own test environment. This document can also be used as a guide of what setup
steps need to be completed when created a new organization in a multiorg environment.
Create your Organization and Complete Setup for Oracle Receivables:
Note: Some of the steps outlined in this paper do not go into extensive detail. It is
assumed the reader of this paper already has a good working knowledge of Oracle
When creating a new organization, you can use an existing Accounting Flexfield or
create your own.
1. Set up your GL Flexfield combination (Accounting Flexfield)
Log into the application as System Administrator
Menu: =>Application =>Flexfield =>Key =>Segments,
This setup is just an example, it can be modified to fit individual needs.
-Query 'Oracle General Ledger' Accounting Flexfield
-Enter a new Flexfield (FF) title 'My FF'
-Enter 6 segments (or as many segments that you would like)
-Create value sets to fit the accounting FF structure of your organization*
or you can use an existing value set
Example of Accounting Flexfield structure:
Seg: Name: Prompt: Column: Value Set: Size:
--- ------- -------- --------- ------------
1 Company Company Segment1 Demo_Company 2
2 Region Region Segment2 Demo_Region 3
3 Cost Center CC Segment3 Demo_CostCenter 4
4 Account Account Segment4 Demo_Account 4
5 Product Product Segment5 Demo_Product 3
6 Sub Account SubAcct Segment6 Demo_SubAccount 4
*create a value set by clicking on ‘Value Sets’, enter Value Set Name and Description,
Format Type, Maximum Size of the column, and Value Validation.
At this point, you must decide which segment will be assigned to the Natural Account and
which will be the Balancing Segment. To define these, you would click
on Flexfield Qualifiers when you are defining the segment and select Natural Account or
Balancing Segment. This is mandatory and you cannot compile the flexfield without this
2. Enter valid values for the Value Set created above
Under System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Application => Flexfield =>Key =>Values
-Click on value sets and enter the Flexfield value set name in the Name field
-Create the valid list of values for the segments, make sure that the values
you create are the same length as the segment.
(If this is not a new value set the valid values may already be setup)
NOTE: make sure that for the Natural Account qualifier there is one valid value that is
'Account Type' = Ownership/Stock See Note(Sure)2085535.6
3. Create a new Set of Books
Under the General Ledger Manager responsibility
Menu: =>Setup =>Financials =>Books,
-Create a new set of books name: 'My Book' and enter Short Name
-Chart of Accounts: 'My FF' (FF created above under #1)
-Enter Functional Currency
-Enter the calendar that will be used
-Set up the following accounts using the ‘My FF’ accounting FF:
Retained Earnings
4. Define a Responsibility
Under the System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Security =>Responsibility =>define
Create a new responsibility 'My AR Resp':
Application: Oracle Receivables
Data Group:
Name: Standard
Application: Oracle Receivables
Request Group:
Name: Receivables All
Application: Oracle receivables
5. Create a User
Under the System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Security =>User =>Define
Create user and assign the responsibility created in step 4, or query existing an
user and assign the responsibility created in step 4.
6. Enter Human Resources Profile Options
Under the System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Profile =>System
-Check Responsibility and enter responsibility 'My AR Resp'
-On the Profile line, enter - HR:User Type
-Select value 'HR with Payroll User' under ‘Responsibility’ column
7. Create the new organization
Under the AR responsibility that you just setup
Menu: =>Setup =>System =>Organization
-Create a new Organization 'My Org'
-Enter Location Addresses
-Under Organization Classification:
GRE / Legal Entity, click on ‘Others’, select Employer Identification and enter a number.
Operating Unit, click on ‘Others’, enter ‘My Org’
8. Assign Organization to the Responsibility
Under the System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Profile =>System
-Check Responsibility and enter responsibility 'My AR Resp'
-Profile: MO: Operating Unit
-Assign organization ‘My Org’ to 'My AR Resp' responsibility for profile
'MO: Operating Unit'
9. Enter General Ledger Profile Options
Under the System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Profile =>System
At responsibility level for 'My AR Resp'
-Check Responsibility and enter responsibility 'My AR Resp'
-Profile: GL Set of Books Name
-Assigned 'GL Set of Books Name' – ‘My Book’
-Set Profile Option ‘Sequential numbering’ to ‘Not used’
(if you do not set Sequential numbering it will use the value that is set at site level.)
10. Replicate Seed Data
Under the System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Request =>Run
-Run replicate seed data for organization just created
-Verify the concurrent process completes successfully under ‘View My Request’
You will need to Complete Basic AR Setup:
Log into the application under the new responsibility, 'My AR Resp' and continue
with the setup steps for Oracle Receivables.
11. Check Key Flexfields
Menu: =>Setup =>Financials =>Flexfield =>Key =>Segment
-Need to make sure territory FF is setup and compiled
-Need to make sure sales tax location FF is set up and compiled
(You may need to setup a new Sales Tax Location FF structure for each organization,
Location FF structure can only be used by one organization)
12. Setup System Options
Menu: =>Setup =>System =>System Options
-Set up the system options using 'My Book' SOB
-Set up the accounting information and all the accounts
-Set up the tax information, and choose the location FF structure
NOTE: make sure the location FF structure gets recompiled and all 5 concurrent requests
complete successfully.
-Set up Transaction and Customer information
-Set up Miscellaneous Information
13. Enter Tax Codes
Menu: =>Setup =>Tax =>Codes
-Create tax codes
-Create a Sales Tax, Exempt tax and a Location based tax.
NOTE: if you are using location based taxes, this needs to be setup for all state, county,
city and zip code ranges being used.
14. For customer setup,
Menu: =>Customers =>Standard
-Need to set up an address for the customer
-Query up existing customer like 'My Co'
-Go to alternate region ‘addresses’ and enter a new address,
-Make sure to create a bill to and a ship to address,
-Assign a tax code to the customer at the Bill-to address use any tax code
For Example: Exempt
-Enter all the profiles for the customer at the address level if not it will use profiles
entered at the customer level:
Profile: Transaction
Profile: Document Printing
Profile: Amounts
Complete setup steps for entering a transaction
15. Verify Batch Source
Menu: =>Setup=>Transaction=>Sources
-Create new Batch Source that you will use.
-Replicate seeded data will give you some but batch sources should
also be setup.
16. Setup Transaction Type
Menu: =>Setup =>Transaction =>Transaction type
-Enter a transaction type you will use for invoice, credit memo, debit memo,
chargeback, deposit, and guarantee.
17. Setup Autoaccounting
Menu: =>Setup =>Transaction =>Autoaccounting,
- Enter the GL accounts that correspond to the Accounting FF being used in your
-Set up the following accounts:
AutoInvoice Clearing
Unbilled Receivable
Unearned Revenue
18. Setup Remit-To Address
Menu: =>Setup =>Print =>remit-to addresses
-Enter a remit-to address,
-Country is set up as 'Default value'
19. Open Accounting Period
Menu: =>Control =>Accounting =>Open/Close periods
-Need to open the GL periods that you are going to enter transactions in.
The calendar is created when setting up your set of books.
20. General Ledger Accounts
Menu: =>Setup => Financial =>combinations
-Verify the combinations that were used when setting up your transaction types are valid
GL combinations.
21. Enter Salesreps
Menu: =>Setup=>Transactions=>Salespersons
-Enter salesreps that will be used.
-Enter the GL accounts that will correspond to the particular salesreps
NOTE: If you are not using salesreps or not requiring the salesrep
information, this step is optional.
NOTE: If you have your autoaccounting set to create accounts based on
salesreps this is a mandatory setup step.
Not mandatory setup steps for a new org, these steps are not org specific:
-Setup Payment terms:
Menu: =>Setup=>Transactions=>Payment Terms
-Setup Accounting Rules:
Menu: =>Setup=>Transctions=>Rules
22. Create an Invoice Transaction
Menu: =>Transaction =>Transaction
Now you can enter transactions
For Example:
Enter 3 invoices for the customer created in step 9
Invoice # - inv-1: $ 50.00
Invoice # - inv-2: $100.00
Invoice # - inv-3: $150.00
complete the invoices.
Complete setup for entering a receipt:
23. Create AP Responsibility
Under the System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Security =>Responsibility =>Define
-Create a new responsibility 'My AP Resp'
24. Assign Responsibility
Under the System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Security =>User =>Define
-Query user created in step # 5 and assign responsibility created above in step #22.
25. Enter HR Profile Options
Under the System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Profile =>System
-Check Responsibility and enter responsibility 'My AP Resp'
-Profile: HR:User Type
-Enter value 'HR with Payroll User'
26. Assign Organization to Responsibility
Under the System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Profile =>System
-Check Responsibility and enter responsibility 'My AP Resp',
-Profile: MO: Operating Unit
-Assign organization ‘My Org’ to 'My AP Resp' responsibility for profile:
'MO: Operating Unit'
27. Enter GL Profile Options
Under the System Administrator responsibility
Menu: =>Profile =>System
At responsibility level for 'My AP Resp'
-Check Responsibility and enter responsibility 'My AP Resp'
-Profile: GL Set of Books Name
-Assigned 'GL Set of Books Name' – ‘My Book’
28. AP Set of Books Setup
Log into the application using 'My AP Resp'
Menu: =>Setup =>Set of books =>Choose
-Assign your set of books (created in step 3)
-Enter the calendar, functional currency, and GL account structure
29. Complete Remittance Bank
Log into the application using 'My AR Resp'
Menu: =>Setup =>Receipts =>Bank
-Enter a Remittance Bank
-Query up an existing bank like 'My Bank'
-Click on 'bank accounts'
-Enter all the GL account information
-Enter the GL accounts in the 'Receivables Options' and 'More Receivables Options'
30. Create Receipt Class
Menu: =>Setup =>Receipt =>Classes
-Enter receipt class information,
-Query up existing receipt source 'Manual Receipts'
-Click on Bank Accounts,
-Bank Name - 'My Bank'
-Account Name - 'My Account',
-Enter all the GL account information
31. Setup Receipt Source
Menu: =>Setup => Receipts => Receipt Sources
-Create receipt source 'My Source'
Receipt Class - Manual Receipts
Payment Method - check
Bank Account – ‘My Account’
32. Setup Receivables Activity
Menu: =>Setup=>Receipts=>Receivables Activity
-The seeded ones from replicate seeded data will need a gl account assigned
-Create a any new Receivables activity that you will use
-You will have to create a Finance Charge activity for the newly created org.
33. Setup Lockbox
This step will need to be setup if you are going to import receipts
through Lockbox
Menu: =>Setup=>Receipts=>Lockbox=>Lockbox
-Enter the lockbox that you will be using
-Enter the Lockbox information like
Batch Source
Bank Account
Bank Name
Bank Origination Number
Accounting Flexfield
NOTE: The Transmission Format will not need to be setup, this will be the
same for all the orgs
34. Enter and Apply Receipt
Menu: =>Receipt =>Receipt
Now you can enter and apply receipts
For Example:
Enter receipts and apply to invoices,
Receipt #: 1-rcpt, $100.00, applied to invoice # 2-inv
Receipt #: 2-rcpt, $200.00, applied to invoice # 1-inv and 3-inv.
It is the hope of this writer that after following these steps you will benefit by gaining better knowledge
and understanding of what is involved in creating new organizations and how they are interpreted
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